Over 50,000 people will head out to run 26.2
miles around all five boroughs of New York City for the New York City Marathon. Did you know that 10% of the people running
on Sunday will have exercise induced asthma?
This is a disease where exercise triggers spasm, chest tightness and
shortness of breath. As if running 26.2
miles where hard enough, people with exercise induced asthma, need all the help
they can get to help prevent their
Here are Five Tips to Help you Finish Strong this Weekend!
1) Stay Hydrated
-Persons with exercise induced
asthma get dehydrated faster. When you
lungs are dehydrated, this can trigger symptoms of asthma
-A study from the University of
Buffalo in 1999, showed that persons with asthma had improved lung function
when they were hydrated.
-Make sure all week long, you are
drinking plenty of water. Take water
frequently along the run to keep your muscles and lungs well hydrated.

2) Eat Diet Rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
- In a subset of people with
exercise induced asthma, eating a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids 3 weeks
before exercising, reduced inflammation typically seen in mucus associated with
asthma. Lung function was improved and
they used less rescue inhalers like albuterol.
- Fish, flax seed oil, walnuts and
chia seeds are all excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids.
3) Use Medications Early
- Make sure you use your albuterol
and other asthma medications at least 15 minutes before exercising. This will keep you lungs open during your
-Check to make sure they haven't expired.
-You may need a 2nd dose
during the run. Albuterol only lasts for
4 hours so if you are expecting your marathon time to be longer than that, make
sure you give your self a 2nd dose at the 3.5 hour mark.
4) Warm Up Your Lungs
-Warm up your lungs with light
exercise 5-10 minutes the morning before your race. This will help them get used to temperature
5) Check the Weather Report
-When you have asthma, knowing what
the weather’s going to be like is especially important. In the early part of your run, you may need a
scarf to help keep your lungs warm. A
scarf will help humidify and warm the air before it enters into your lungs.
- Bring one you won’t care about
loosing if you are running on Sunday. As the day warms, you may want to drop
-Look at the pollen counts.
-If allergies are a trigger for your
asthma, using your allergy medication can prevent you from having an allergy
attack. You’re covering a lot of ground
running a marathon. As New Yorkers, we
know how drastically the weather can change around the city. Make sure you look at all the areas your
running through to keep yourself healthy.
Good luck at your next race! Need other last minute tips before
Sunday or your next race? Call the office or click her to schedule an appointment.