

Friday, June 13, 2014

And the winner is....Benzophphenones Contact Allergen of 2014!

Benzophenone recently named contact allergen of 2014! 

Now that summer is almost upon us, sunscreen allergy is a popular topic.  Even more fitting is that benzophenone was recently named contact allergy of the year by the Contact Dermatitis society of North America.

What are Benzophenones?
  • Chemical UV light absorber used in sunscreen, hair spray, shampoo, detergent bars, nail polish and plastic lens filters.
  • Originally used before the 1950's to extend the life of paints and varnishes, in the 1950's it was introduced into sunscreen.
  • Can you believe that benzophenones now rank as one of the most 4 common agents used in personal care products according to a recent article in Dermatitis!
  • It also ranks as one of the top chemicals to cause allergy!
What type of reaction can you have from Benzophenone?
  • Applying products with benzophenone can lead to:
    •  a local rash
    • a rash that come out when the sun hits it (photosensitivity),
    • itchy bumps like hives
    • a severe allergic reaction like anaphylaxis.
What should you do if you suspect you have Benzophenone allergy?

  • Talk to your allergist about being tested for chemical allergies.
  • Benzophenone allergy is one of the most common causes of contact dermatitis.
Want to read more about Benzophenone Allergy?

Need further help with an suspected benzophenone allergy?  We do patch testing in the office to all components of sunscreen.

Call us 212-679-3574 or click here to schedule an appointment.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Why do Apples and Other Fruits Make My Mouth Itch?

Wow doesn't the fruit in the farmers markets and grocery stores look delicious?  It's such a treat to see fresh cherries, nectarines, and peaches.  But for many, biting into these fruits can make their mouth and lips itch! In some cases, small blisters might form. Bizarre right?  And isn't it funny that they can eat them when they are cooked or peeled? 

So what's going on?  Can you really be allergic to raw fruit?  Yes!

Why do Apples and Other Fruits Make My Mouth Itch?
  • This is a common problem called oral allergy syndrome. 
  •  People allergic to raw fruits are most likely also allergic to tree or weed pollens.
  • The protein that causes the allergy is heat sensitive.  Heating it changes it so that it doesn't cause a reaction.
  • Many people think it's the pesticides on the fruit that causes the itching. 
  • Actually the protein is also present on many tree fruits and nuts.  Apple being the most common offender, but any of the stone fruits (cherries, plums, nectarines, and peaches) and other "tree" fruits like pears can cause the problem. 
Want more information about oral allergy syndrome or have an allergy question you need answered?  Call the office for an appointment 212-679-3574 or click here to schedule an appointment.