

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Asthma, Asthma, Asthma

May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month and Gramercy Allergy is all about Asthma this month.  We take that seriously at Gramercy Allergy and Dr Jennifer Collins, a top allergist in New York City, is here to help you!

Facts about Asthma

  • Symptoms of asthma and allergies peak around this time. 
  • Asthma is a condition in which the airways from the nose and mouth to the lungs become inflamed and sensitive to substances. Asthma occurs in bouts known as asthma attacks. The airways swell and narrow, causing difficulty breathing. In severe cases, asthma can be fatal.
How Do You Know You Have Asthma?

Symptoms of asthma include
·        Trouble breathing (shortness of breath or rapid breathing)
·        Recurrent coughing
·        Wheezing
·        Tightness in the chest
·        A night time cough that wakes you from sleep

·        If you’re worried you may have asthma see an allergist. An Allergist is a specialized doctor to treat allergies and asthma.  Dr Collins is an allergist practicing in New York for over 10 years.  

What triggers asthma?
  •  Allergens: Asthma caused by allergies is called allergic asthma. When the immune system thinks a foreign substance (for example, inhaled pollen) is harmful, it will release immunoglobulin E (IgE) which leads to inflammation of the airways and an asthma attack. Common allergens include pollens (like tree, grass, and weeds), animals, mice, roaches, and dust mites.  Make sure to get a skin or blood test at your allergy doctor to find out what you’re allergic to!
  • Wearing a Mask: Wearing a mask can trigger an asthma attack.  Make sure you have your albuterol with you 
  • Irritants: Have you noticed symptoms of asthma whenever you are using cleaning products, tobacco smoke, or strong odors? Irritating particles in the air, such as from smoke, pollution, or strong odors, can exacerbate already inflamed and sensitive airways. These irritants are not allergens but can trigger a severe attack.
  • Exercise: have you ever noticed symptoms of asthma whenever you are physically active? During exercise, people will breathe through their mouths instead of their noses. Because the nose warms and moisturizes air, air that enters through the mouth is cooler and dryer. If the air is already dry and cool outside, it can trigger narrowing of the airways (called bronchoconstriction). Talk to your allergy doctor to help manage exercise-induced bronchoconstriction.
  •   Respiratory illnesses: do you have a persistent lingering cough from a cold or flu? Asthma may be caused by infection of your respiratory system. This is the most common cause of asthma in children.

What should you do If You Suspect You Have Asthma?
·        See your doctor or allergy specialist.  Gramercy Allergy and Asthma, New York City’s premier Allergy office is here to help!  You can schedule an appointment here.
·        Get Tested.  Know what your triggers are.

Over the month of May, Gramercy Allergy and Asthma, will be writing about topics specific to asthma so stay tuned to learn more about asthma.

We'll be including interesting facts about asthma, asthma and the gender gap, and ways to treat difficult asthma on our Facebook page and twitter. You can find us @gramercyallergy and https://facebook.com/gramercyallergy

Want to get more involved?

Share the Asthma and Allergy Foundations Allergy Awareness ribbon on your Facebook page or visit the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of Amercias webpage for more information.
Want more specific advice on treating asthma in New York?  Visit our website http://www.gramercyallergy.com or click here to schedule an appointment online.


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Is Your Asthma Getting in the Way of Your New Year's Resolution?

Is Your Asthma Getting in the Way of Your New Year's Resolution?


When walking my dog early morning in January, I'm always struck by the increase in the number of people heading to the gym.  It seems like the streets are almost crowded with yoga and exercise gear. Where were these people a few short weeks ago?   It's no surprise to hear that exercising more is one of the top three resolutions that Americans make according to a YouGov 2017 survey

In January, most hit the ground running (literally!) but for some maintaining that new years resolution isn't just about will power.  What if you have the desire to exercise more, but get really sob cough and get winded easily when doing so.  Could asthma be getting in the way of you goal of exercising more?   

I'm always surprised when I hear patients tell me that they aren't good at exercise.  Exercise can make anyone short of breath, but for many it can trigger an asthma attack. 

Some quick screening questions tell me that they might be suffering from a form of asthma known as exercise induced asthma.  

What is exercise induced asthma? 

  • A form of asthma where lungs become tight during asthma
  • As many as 90% of people who have asthma have a form of exercise induced asthma
  • For teenagers and young adults, exercise induced asthma is the most common cause of asthma symptoms. 
What are symptoms associated with exercise induced asthma?

  • Do you have cough, chest tightness or SOB associated only with exercise?
    • Does going outside on a cold day trigger a cough?
    • Are you sensitive to cold temperatures and dry air? 
    • Does air pollutants (tobacco smoke car pollution, and air quality issues) trigger symptoms?

    Do you suspect you have exercised induced asthma.  Are asthma symptoms getting in the way of your exercise goals for 2020?  
    Please let us help.  

    Need help managing your asthma?  Please visit click here to schedule an appointment. We will help you get to your next exercise goal.  Follow us at @gramercyallergy for allergy friendly tips!

    Want more help for Asthma and Allergies?  Gramercy Allergy and Asthma is an expert in treating all forms of asthma and allergy.  Schedule an appointment with us.  Dr. Jennifer Collins, MD,a Castle Connolly Top Doctor  We are ready to help you with your asthma.  Gramercy Allergy specializes in treatment of asthma and allergies in New York City