

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World Aids Day- December 1, 2009

Today is World Aid's Day. You may not realize it, but some Allergist/Immunologist take care of patients with HIV/AID's (Human Immunodeficiency/Aquired Immunodeficiency). In fact, they along with their Infectious Disease colleagues, were some of the pioneers in describing and studying the HIV virus.

We've come a long way from the first diagnosis of HIV is this country in March 1981, but we still have a long way to go. As world we've made great strides against the virus, and with medication, HIV is not a fatal illness anymore. Ground breaking proof of concepts advances were made this year on a potential HIV vaccine.

But we are not there yet. Last year, there were still over 7800 NEW diagnosis of HIV in this country. As New Yorkers, we live in one of the epicenters of disease in the world.

* There are over 33 million persons living with HIV/AIDS in the world.
* In the March 2009, our nations capital, Washington D.C. had 3 our of every 10 (yes, you read that right) persons infected with HIV! This is at the same level as Subsahara Africa.
* HIV is hurting our young populuation. It is the 3rd leading cause of death amongst persons less than 65 years old.
* One of the fastest group of new diagnosis in this country are Hispanics and Latinos young adults.
* In NYC, 80% of new diagnosis of HIV are among African Americans and Hispanics.
* In NYC, we have over 100,000 persons living with HIV.

We must act together to improve these statistics!

So on this World Aids Day, I challenge you today to get tested, do something to educate yourself , your community, your world, help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDs, or reach out to someone with HIV who might feel alone.

Wear a condom. Insist he wears a condom. Repeat. Contact www.nyc.gov for free condoms.

Get tested. Encourage a loved one to get tested. Knowing is power! Below is a listing of all confidential testing centers, or talk to your doctor. http://www.mnn.org/aidsat25/testing

Want more information?

Below are some local agencys where you can get more information, or reach out to make a difference in your community

* HIV Care Network Jose Martin Garcia Orduna, Network Coordinator Union Settlement Association, Inc.158 E. 115th Street, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10029 Phone: (212) 828-6143

* The Peter Krueger Center for Immunological Disorders http://www.wehealny.org/services/BI_Aidsservices/KruegerCenter.html http://www.wehealny.org/services/BI_Aidsservices/donate.html

* St. Vincent's Medical Center- West Village NY, NY

* Center for Brooklyn Study
*HIV Care Network

Gail Greenridge, Network CoordinatorNYC
HHC Kings County Hospital Center451 Clarkson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Phone: (718) 245-2821

Bedford Stuyvesant/Crown Heights
Eve Ammons-Johnson, Network Coordinator
Church Avenue Merchants Block Association
19 Winthrop Street
Brooklyn , NY 11225
Phone: (718) 462-8654 ext. 322

With your help, I hope that 2010 statitics are better for all of us.

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